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The Health Book

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Disponibile in Print On Demand
Autore: Peter Deunov,Beinsa Douno
Editore: Stargatebook
Lingua: Inglese
Isbn: 9791221364897
Pubblicazione: 02/07/2022

This book is compiled by a group of disciples, using excerpts from Master Peter Deunov's lectures. The recommendations collected over the years are addressed to listeners of different inspirations. They have been grouped according to a logical organization so as to prioritize the accuracy of the original texts scattered in different books, at the risk of repetition, rather than depriving readers of in-depth and more complete information. Repetition itself constitutes a pedagogical method. In order to respect the integrity of the Master's thought, we considered it preferable not to disassociate the principles of high spirituality from the practice of daily life.

We entrust, to everyone's attention and spiritual openness, the putting into practice of this immemorial wisdom that was already expressed with a wide profusion of knowledge at the beginning of the 20th century. The ultimate goal is the reconciliation of man with the divine in him, the basis of a path to a better existence, in accordance with the laws of Nature, in order to understand the causes of his illnesses and to find the means of healing best suited to man today.


All divine creation exists in miniature in man.

Each man is like a string on the divine instrument on which unseen entities play with their bows.

Man's body is the result of the divine energy that created today's human organism. Man possesses twelve bodies, but, for the time being, only four are in operation: the physical body, the astral body or emotion body, the mental body and a fourth named the causal body.

The other eight subtle bodies are still in the embronial state, but they will manifest in the future. When man reaches the spiritual world, four other bodies will manifest, and when he enters the divine world the other four bodies will develop.

Each will develop and manifest at the right time.

The human soul possesses its own specific body through which it can elevate and glorify itself. This body is so plastic, so well made that it is capable of shrinking or enlarging.

It is precisely this body that builds the physical body, as well as all other bodies.

The intellect and heart are as important as the physical body. The latter represents the base in the bosom of which man draws his life forces.

The physical body represents a divine garment that is constantly being renewed. It changes every seven years. Because of this permanent renewal, man is healthy, full of energy and well-being.

At present our spiritual body is in formation as it is not completed: the forehead, nose, mouth, bones, skull, brain, hands are not yet fully processed. The astral hand is in the process of forming. The astral substance is condensing, preparing for a higher, purer life. At present it resembles something fluidic, liquid-like.

Man is shaped like a cone, wider at the top at shoulder level, narrower at the bottom. This testifies to his descent into the physical world, that is, the material world.

Pagine 345
Formato [EU] Stampa bianco e nero - standard - 148x210 mm - Carta bianca - Copertina lucida
Peso 446 gr.
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