This is a book about the Myth of September 11. About the facts and the motives behind this myth, the smokescreens of the war of perception and the psychology and insanity connected with this. To expose this myth is a modern blasphemy, an unbearable heresy; it’s the Satanic Verses of Western Democracy. The Myth of September 11 – The Satanic Verse of Western Democracy is much more than a book of investigative journalism. It’s a vision of a Zeitgeist, of the mad spirit of our times. A formidable manual to understand the refined techniques of myth-building, of mass psychology manipulation and psychological warfare which have been applied to fool us all until now. You’ll discover how it is possible to vaccinate a people against a truth by giving it little noninfective doses of truth. How to encourage doublethinking in ways not even envisioned by Orwell. In this book, Roberto Quaglia skilfully assembles all the pieces of the puzzle. But he does not limit himself to that. Calling upon his imaginative resources, the author deploys factual and fictional evidence, seriousness and satire, irony and sarcasm. Quaglia’s stringent logic completely demolishes the official version of the September 11 events, while through narrative ability and a taste for paradox he manages to hook the reader and keep him on the edge of his seat from the beginning to the end of the book. This book is the ultimate wake-up call.
Pagine | 623 |
Formato | [US] Stampa bianco e nero - standard - 6.0x9.0 pollici - Carta bianca - Copertina lucida |
Peso | 887 gr. |