What if you can:
Sell better?!
Manage better, both you and people around you?!
10 times your finances?
Live life of complete joy, happiness and fulfillment!
Sounds too good to be true? Truth is, it is indeed TOO REAL, except that It is TOO REAL.
With this page turner, all that is real and very POSSIBLE. Thinking big is an art that everyone should master. Your size of your thinking determines the exact kind of life awaiting you. This summary of David J Schwartz's bestselling book The Magic of Thinking Big is made for those big thinkers, who crave success and constantly are in quest for ways to get to their dreams. The principles, tactics and tips outlined in this book are all you need to take your life to a whole new level.
Pagine | 73 |
Formato | [EU] Stampa bianco e nero - standard - 127x203 mm - Carta bianca - Copertina lucida |
Peso | 90 gr. |