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Water Storage and Rainwater Harvesting

€18,50 - €18,50
€4,51 - €18,50
Disponibile in Print On Demand
Autore: Daniel Schoeman
Lingua: Inglese
Isbn: 9780796143532
Pubblicazione: 21/02/2024



If you're tired of DIY projects that feel like solving a complex puzzle or navigating a maze of uncertainty, then this book is for you. No intricate calculations, no perplexing decisions — just a clear, step-by-step path to transform your home into a self-sufficient oasis of pure, harvested rainwater, where sustainability meets simplicity. Get ready for a journey where clarity reigns and success is measured by the ease of your endeavors. It's time to embark on your DIY adventure with confidence, leaving confusion in the dust.

Are you aware that rainwater is considered the best and safest of waters to drink? Have you always wondered about rainwater and how to install a system to provide your home with clean, unchlorinated water? Are you concerned about costs, regulations, calculations, and installation complications?

In this comprehensive manual, you will discover the untapped potential of rainwater harvesting and how to utilize this resource for practical water storage and professional end-use setup. This fully illustrated manual is perfect for individuals new to DIY, delving into the art and science of water conservation. It offers practical insights and step-by-step instructions to assist you in creating a reliable rain harvesting system.

Inside, you'll find:

  • Do we need calculations?: We provide practical solutions that work without the need for any calculations. For the mathematically inclined, the option of calculating your tank size and rainfall probability in your area is also included.

  • Installation: Detailed and illustrated installation guides.

  • What to Buy: Complete material and equipment list needed for every installation.

  • Government Regulations: A general guide to determine legalities and to look for financial incentives in your area.

  • Optimized End-Use System: Determine the end-use of your system to establish the optimal setup.

  • Complete Rain Harvesting Systems: Maximize your roof space to create a comprehensive rainwater harvesting system tailored to your needs. Learn how to utilize your rainwater to provide for livestock, such as chickens.

  • Technical Mastery: Dive into the technical aspects, calculations, and maintenance essential for optimizing water collection and utilization.

  • Gutter Choice and Installation: A discussion around the available gutters, their pros and cons, and how to install them.

  • Tank Setup: Explore different tank types and receive expert guidance on efficient tank setup, from small barrels to large cisterns for farms.

  • Pumps and Filters: Navigate the world of water transportation with insights into selecting the right pumps and filters for optimal functionality.

  • Plumbing Basics: Many home improvement projects involve plumbing aspects, such as installing a new downspout, replacing a bulkhead fitting, or adding a pump. Having plumbing knowledge allows DIY enthusiasts to undertake these projects efficiently and effectively.

  • Extreme Weather: Awareness of the weather allows you to predict future rain events. Abnormal weather patterns are becoming more frequent, and knowing what to expect during these periods will ensure that you can prepare in advance.

Rainwater isn't just a solution for emergency needs; it's a valuable resource for irrigation, supporting livestock, and maintaining a clean environment. Once tested and deemed fit for drinking, rainwater becomes a sustainable source for human consumption.

This Book Will Equip You To:

  • Harvest rainwater efficiently from your roof.

  • Transport it to a reliable storage system.

  • Provide you with the technical know-how to design and maintain your very own rainwater harvest system.

Whether you're passionate about water conservation or contemplating the installation of water tanks, gutters, pipes, and pumps, this guide is your key to making informed and practical decisions. Take the first step towards sustainability and self-sufficiency. If water efficiency and emergency preparedness matter to you, then this is your essential guide to mastering the science of rainwater harvesting.

Pagine 281
Formato Bianco e nero - 190x234 mm - Carta bianca
Peso 525 gr.
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