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The Occult Sciences

€19,99 - €19,99
€2,40 - €19,99
Disponibile in Print On Demand

Great benefits will be bestowed upon the reader of this occult book. For in it, Norvell reveals the mystic and occult formulas used by the richest men of history to gain control of vast fortunes. The reader will discover how to achieve his life goals; how to become more dynamic and magnetic; how to tap the psycho-magnetic wave- lengths in the universe and channel them to work miracles of healing, success, fame, riches and abundance.


Here, revealed for the first time, is the occult secret of Transmutation, by which the reader may change the undesirable situations in his or her life into happy, prosperous, loving and joyous ones ...the shimmering gold of success and riches.

Through occult power, the reader will

learn how to build the mystical and cosmic rainbow of golden dreams, that will re- lease him from pain and sickness and old age, and bring freedom, happiness and useful activity. The reader will see how to weave a Magnetic Spell over the minds and hearts of other people, and attract love and undying romance, as well as friendship and all the other rewards of love and affection.


Through occult power the reader will learn how to project Thought Forms to others' minds for more power, more money, more rewards of life, and to achieve any desire.

With the miraculous Sixth Sense, the reader will see how to discover hidden treasures, lost objects, how to magnetize and attract to himself people he wants to meet.


When you have learned the hidden secrets of occultism you will literally become a miracle worker. You can use your knowledge to influence and control others for good purposes. You can project dynamic mental power and magnetize and attract money, jobs, possessions and objects that you desire. You can use the transcendental power of occultism to elevate your consciousness to the level of a genius, performing with effortless ease all kinds of astounding actions. You can use the higher power of occultism to release psychic and clairvoyant powers, giving you precognition and the ability to know your future. You can communicate with other minds; you can project your soul to the astral planes while you sleep, and travel back into history or into the future dimensions of time and space, knowing secrets that are denied to ordinary mortals. Occult science differs from physical science in this respect: Physical science deals with the world of matter, that which can be measured, weighed, seen, felt and heard through the five senses. Occult science deals with the invisible phenomena of the universe, that which transcends the limited bonds of materiality and the known dimensions of time and space.

Pagine 158
Formato [EU] Stampa bianco e nero - standard - 148x210 mm - Carta bianca - Copertina lucida
Peso 215 gr.
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