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Norvell’s dynamic Mental Laws for a successful living

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€3,21 - €17,99
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How This Book Will Give You Secrets for Achieving Everything You Want in Life .

Throughout the ages there have been illumined souls who possessed extraordinary powers of the mind and spirit. These great teachers possessed universal wisdom which they carefully guarded, revealing it only to the few neophytes who were ready for these great mystical and spiritual revelations. 


These great souls had discovered the secrets of the universe through contemplation and meditation on the deeper mysteries of life. They advised kings and princes; they safeguarded the arts, music, literature and scientific knowledge all through the dark ages. They gave inspiration and guidance to the few who were ready for their revelations. 

Civilization advances and man rises to greatness under the impetus of the wisdom and knowledge that he gathers throughout the centuries. Formerly this wisdom was denied to the masses, because they lacked the institutions of learning. Now, in our modern twentieth century, this accumulated wisdom can be revealed in all its radiant splendor. 

In this study we shall walk together, teacher and student, down the golden path of history, gleaning the priceless secrets of the ages and applying them to your own daily life for achieving the health, wealth, and happiness which is every person's secret dream. 

Norvell’s Dynamic Mental Laws will reveal the secrets of ancient lands and cultures, India, China and Tibet, all explained in modern language which can be easily understood and applied to your own life. We shall explore the glories of the Golden Age of Greece and learn of the wonders revealed by such great minds as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Epicurus. Many of the profound truths uttered by these mystics and sages apply to modern living, and your life will be greatly enhanced and enriched by gleaning these pearls of wisdom from these great minds. 

Carved in stone, penned on parchment and papyrus, blocks of wood and marble, these great teachers of the past left their forbidden secrets of the ages to guide the initiates in the Temple of Wisdom. Now we shall study these universal and mental Laws of the past and present and learn how you may apply them to your own everyday life to achieve the fulfillment of all your dreams. 

In my twenty-five years of lecturing and teaching in world-famous Carnegie Hall in New York City, literally thousands of students have studied these great spiritual and mental truths with me, and now, for the first time, they are being given to the world so that you may study them in the privacy of your own home. You need not be a cloistered mystic in some sacred shrine in India or Tibet to be able to use these forbidden secrets of the ages. You can begin instantly to avail yourself of the benefits of this cosmic and universal knowledge.

Pagine 245
Formato [EU] Stampa bianco e nero - standard - 148x210 mm - Carta bianca - Copertina lucida
Peso 322 gr.
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