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Natalia Danioni an author who shows great sensitivity and desire to turn to the little ones to teach adults the true meaning of existence. She does this through imaginary animals, more human than man himself, focusing on the intelligence and the acute ability of the various cats, dogs, spiders, eagles, monkeys, etc., which together manage to get along and reach a specific goal for an important cause. All this without wars, but with wit, collaboration, empathy, love! Doesn’t the world situation come to mind? Doesn’t the spontaneous thought of different peoples arise, yet equal by definition, which instead of using mindfulness, fighting territories, killing each other in order to possess material goods? The oppression, abuses, the deceptions, the weapons often used in vain, the bombs, the attacks ... and whoever has more will use them more. Here is what the being so-called human does well about love, the real one: he remembers it only at times or only when he has lost it, the human who does not reach out to his neighbor, who runs away from responsibilities, escapes from problems by instead creating another and yet another, persevering in his cowardice. Yet, we were all put on Earth in the same way, probably for one reason, now unknown to us, we were born to love each other, to support us, to walk

together! Beware I’m not talking about religions, but about humanity. Religions help, they can give comfort, explanations that each of us needs, but we should naturally lean towards our neighbor with benevolence, not with resentment and distrust. That’s why Natalia is a great woman: she has been able to create the history of men through other beings who coexist on Earth and too often are considered stupid, when in reality they have so much to teach us. The secret is union, as they say, in unity there is strength, a concept that is as simple as it is not listened to. Why? The children who will read this beautiful fairy tale, full of twists, very lively, imaginative, colorful and fun, will learn that their schoolmates, though with dark, red, yellow skin, almond-shaped or too-light-colored eyes, who are tall, short, thin, fat, are all the same. They will understand that together it is possible to make the world a better place and that if you remain close, holding hands, one supporting the other, everything becomes easier and more beautiful, and achievable. Hate must not turn off this planet, goodness must win and only if we love each other will this be possible. The book is accompanied by the splendid works of the artist Piero Ceriani, who imagined the faces of the various animals and made them memorable, full of those colors that we all need, drawing some scenes of the various chapters, which I am sure, little readers (and even adults) will like very much - they are very refined paintings, with a magical touch, which will hold their eyes affixed, they are so dazzling! Ceriani is a true magician of the brush, he deserves attention and a lot of praise, together with Natalia he will surely have many hits. I think it is the beginning of a special collaboration, exactly like some of the protagonists of the story, the blue-eyed

white kitten and her friend Jimmi for example. I could mention many other animals that revolve around the fairy tale, all in the same way are main actors. 

Pagine 179
Formato [EU] Stampa bianco e nero - standard - 115x190 mm - Carta bianca - Copertina opaca
Peso 169 gr.
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