Trauma is an unavoidable truth. Veterans and their families manage the excruciating result of battle; one out of five Americans has been assaulted; one out of four grew up with drunkards; one of every three couples have been through physical violence.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world's chief specialists on trauma, has spent more than three decades working with people who survived traumatic events. In The Body Keeps the Score, he makes use of the latest scientific findings to illustrate how trauma actually reshapes both body and mind, trading off victims’ abilities for pleasure, self-control, engagement and trust. Dr. Bessel explores alternative and innovative ways to treat and recover from childhood traumatic events. These methods, such as yoga, meditation, neurofeedback, sport and dram, are designed to activate the brain’s natural plasticity, helping the patient magically get rid of the trauma and its pain.
Pagine | 86 |
Formato | [EU] Stampa bianco e nero - standard - 127x203 mm - Carta bianca - Copertina lucida |
Peso | 104 gr. |